नमस्कार दोस्तों- आज के इस पोस्ट में हम आपके लिए Best Telegram Bios लेकर आया हूँ जो आपको जरुर पसंद आयेंगे, इस आर्टिकल में, यहाँ आपको अलग अलग कैटेगिरी वाले Telegram Bios की list मिलेगी इसलिए अगर आप अपने लिए कोई बढ़िया Telegram Bios ढूँढ रहे हैं
तो यह पोस्ट खास आप के लिए ही है, क्योकि इस पोस्ट में 2100 से भी ज्यादा अलग अलग Categories के Telegram Bio For Boys And Girls मिलेंगे। जिनको आप यहाँ से copy करके अपने Telegram profile में बायो के लिए Paste कर सकते हैं।
- 1 Telegram Bio Me Kya Likhe – Telegram Ke Bio Me Kya Likhte Hain
- 2 Telegram Bio kaise Likhen – how to write a bio in the main Telegram
- 3 Best Latest Telegram Bio | New Bio For Telegram
- 4 Telegram Good Bios | Cool Bio For Telegram
- 5 Telegram Bio For Boy In Hindi
- 6 Motivational Bio For Telegram | Best Inspirational Bio For Telegram
- 7 Short Telegram Bios | Short Bio For Telegram
- 8 Creative Bio For Telegram | Creative Telegram Bio In English
- 9 Aesthetic Telegram Bio For Boys And Girls | Aesthetic Bio For Telegram
- 10 Best Bio For Telegram | Top Bio For Telegram
- 11 Attitude Telegram Bio | Telegram Bios Attitude
- 12 Swag Bios For Telegram | Swag Telegram Bios
- 13 Royal Bio for Telegram Boys | Bset Telegram Bio For Boys
- 14 Telegram Attitude Bio For Girls
- 15 Telegram Bio For Girls 2024
- 16 Telegram Bio For Students
- 17 Short Bio For Telegram
- 18 Gorgeous Telegram Bios In English | Gorgeous Bios For Telegram
- 19 Telegram Bio For Girls | Best Telegram Bio For Girls
- 20 Funny Telegram Bios For Boys And Girls | Funny Bio Telegram
- 21 Impressive Telegram Bios | Amazing Bios For Telegram
- 22 Crazy Bios For Telegram | Superb Telegram Bios
- 23 Perfect Telegram Bios | Good Bio for Telegram Awesome
- 24 Conclusion
Telegram Bio Me Kya Likhe – Telegram Ke Bio Me Kya Likhte Hain
Telegram Bio में आप अपने मन के मुताबिक Hindi या English में कोई भी Status, Quotes अथवा shayari लिख कर सकते हैं, यदि आपको यह नहीं समझ में आ रहा है की Telegram Bio Me Kya Likhe तो आप हमरे इस पोस्ट की मदद से अपना टेलीग्राम बायो बहुत ही आसानी से लिख सकते हैं
इसके लिए आपको सिम्पली इस पोस्ट से अपना पसंददीदा Telegram Bio कॉपी करके अपने टेलीग्राम बायो में पेस्ट कर लेना है।
Telegram Bio kaise Likhen – how to write a bio in the main Telegram
अगर आपने अभी तक अपने Telegram Bio में कुछ भी add नहीं किया है, या कुछ स्टाइलिश Add करना चाहते हैं तो फिर आपको टेलीग्राम पर बायो feature का उपयोग करने के लिए आप नीचे दिए गए कुछ आसान steps को follow करके अपना टेलीग्राम बायो ऐड कर सकते हैं।
- इसके लिए आपको सबसे पहले अपने मोबाइल में टेलीग्राम एप को ओपन कर लें।
- इसके बाद अब आप Telegram App के Menu वाले आप्शन पर जाकर नीचे दिख रहे Settings ऑप्शन पर Click करें।
- अब आपको यहाँ अपने स्क्रीन पर दिए गए Bio के Option पर Click करें।
- अब आपने जो भी यहां से Best Telegram Bio कॉपी किया है उसको आप अपने टेलीग्राम Bio में पेस्ट कर दें आप चाहें तो अपने मन से भी बढ़िया टेलीग्राम बायो लिख सकते हैं।
- आप टेलीग्राम पर 70 कैरक्टर्स का बायो लिख सकते हैं, आप Text के साथ साथ यहां Bio भी ऐड कर सकते हैं।
- Telegram Bio ऐड करने के बाद फिर आपको save वाले Option पर Tap कर के सेव कर लेना है।
Best Latest Telegram Bio | New Bio For Telegram
- These are the days we live for.
- Life is like a box of chocolates.
- Gone wild for a while.
- Watching sunsets not Netflix.
- Sweeter than honey.
- This account is proof that I can take photos.
- Don’t let the colors fade to grey.
- Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire,?? Jeniffer Lee.
- The most complicated skill is to be simple,?? Dejan Stojanovic.
- A lion doesn’t concern himself with the opinion of a sheep.
- Optimism is contagious.
- Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what you make of it.
- The best things in life are free.
- It is better to be a lonely lion that a popular sheep.
- Life is a like a balloon,?? if you don’t let go you will never know how far it can rise.
- A little sun, sand & sea.
- Let’s get lost together.
- Life is like a box of chocolates.
- Life is too short for bad coffee.
- Your vibe attracts your tribe.
- The best things in life are free.
- Daydreamer, night thinker.
- This picture is my autobiography.
- All we have is NOW.
- Weekends, are you still there?
- By faith and grace. Beautiful.
- Life is too short for bad coffee.
- Monday is so far from Friday but Friday is so close to Monday.
- There,?? I joined Instagram,?? now what?
- Under construction,?? come back soon.
- Don’t follow me because I don’t know where I am going.
- I only use Instagram to stalk.
- Your vibe attracts your tribe.
- Hey I just met you and this is crazy.
- Everyday is Friday if you want it to be.
- If I was funny,?? I would have a good Instagram bio quote.
- Cucumber is 95% water and 100% not pizza.
- This account is me on my worst behavior.
- I did not wake up today to be mediocre.
- Be the light you want to see in the world.
- If you want to go fast,?? go alone.?? If you want to go far,?? go together.
- Don’t expect change while thinking the same.
- I always learn from the mistakes of others who take my advice.
- My hobbies include eating and complaining that I’m getting fat
- I’m not short,?? I’m just more down to earth than other people
- On a 24h Champagne diet.
- Chasing waterfalls and wanderlust.
- I’ve fallen in love many times always with you.??
- I am cool but global warming made me hot.??
- Netflix,?? youtube,?? food,?? my bed,?? Perfection.??
- Making History.??
- I’m on energy-saving mode.??
- Success is in my blood.??
- Problem solver.?? Social media .
- You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.
- I don’t need prince charming to have my own happy ending
- I won’t cry for you.?? My mascara’s too expensive.
- It may look like I am having deep thoughts but I am actually just thinking about what to eat next.
- To be old and wise you must first be young and stupid.
- Recovering ice-cream addictfanatic.?? Passionate travel guru.??
- I’ve fallen in love many times always with you.??
- Eat…sleep….??regret…repeat.??
- Someday,?? there’s going to be an updated version of me.??
- We live in a society where pizza gets into our house before the police.??
- By grace through faith.?? Beautiful.??
- Keeping it simple and living life with zero regrets.??
Telegram Good Bios | Cool Bio For Telegram
Telegram Bio For Boy 2024: Are you fond of keeping Cool and Interesting Bio on social media platform, but you do not understand which Bio to keep on your Telegram, then I am the best to solve your problem. I have come with Telegram Bio For Boys & Girls List, read the article till the end to know the complete information.
Friends, today I have brought Bio List of different categories for all of you users, in which you will get Best Telegram Bio For Boys & Girls, Attitude, Stylish, Cool, Funny, Creative, Short, Unique, Love And More Bio for your Telegram Account. Will get it for
- Today’s mood is brought to you by coffee and lipstick,
- If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter LoL.??
- Love may be blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener @-@.??
- Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.??
- The best $$ of me is yet to come.??
- I rate myself 10/10 b’coz I am too basic.??
- Bubbly like Champagne.
- Wear your confidence like a crown.
- Sleep is like a time machine to breakfast.
- You don’t need a King and a castle to be a Princess.
- Always living in the weekend.
- I’m everything you want but can’t have.
- Let’s get lost together.
- Behind every girl’s favorite song,?? is an untold story.
- I’m a girl.??.Don’t touch my hair,?? face,?? phone,?? or boyfriend.
- I dress up to stare at my reflection when I walk past store windows.
- The hardest thing I ever tried was being normal.
- Keep your heels,?? head & standards high.
- Trust the magic of new beginnings.
- I like it when you smile but I love it when I’m the reason.
- You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.
- I like my coffee how I like my man: hot and strong.
- Don’t expect change by thinking like this.
- All your dreams are in a world of fear.
- This account is related to my ugly behavior.
- It is wine o’clock somewhere!
- Under construction, dear come back soon.
- Hey i just met you & it’s crazy.
- If you’re bored from the start, stop giving.
- A smarty pants who knows too much for her own good.
- Be the flamingo in a flock of pigeons.
- I am sugar and spice and everything nice.
- Confident is the new Sexy.
- Chase my storm.
- Addicted to Vitamin-Sea.
- A little bit of sun, sand and sea.
- I am a cutie with a mission and a hottie with ambition.
- Reality is finally better than your dreams.??
- I am just a cupcake looking for a stud muffin.
- Be like a pineapple: stand tall,?? wear a crown and be sweet in the inside.
- Rain is like confetti falling from the sky.
- You are enough.
- The greater the storm,?? the brighter the rainbow.
- You can’t spell awesome without ME.
- I am like a butterfly: pretty to see and hard to catch.
- Lift up your head princess or your crown will fall.
- No rain no flowers.
- Some girls don’t need make up because they are born to be original.
- I know looks are not everything,?? but I have them just in case.
- I am made of flaws but stitched up to perfection.
- I am half sassy and half glam with a sprinkle of fairy dust.
- Life isn’t perfect but your outfit can be.
- Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,?? but by the moments that take our breath away.
- An apple a day keeps the doctor away,but if the doctor is cute forget the fruit.
- Silence is the most powerful scream.
- Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
- Sometimes you don’t realize the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
- Every time I see you I fall in love all over again.
- If life is not smiling at you,?? give it a good tickling.
- Trying to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud..
- Scratch here ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ to reveal my bio..
- I have to be funny because being hot is not in my dictionary..
- Worst two minutes of my life when I tried to be normal..
- I am half-sane and sleep-deprived..
- I changed my password to ‘incorrect.Now,?? my password is incorrect.??
- Life is dumb and I want to sleep..
- Spreading smiles.
- Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
- If life gives you lemons,?? make a margarita.
- There are no rainbows without rain,no stars without darkness.
- A King only bows down to his Queen.
- I have enough shoes,?? said no one ever.
- I never met a French fry I didn’t like.
- Life F$@ks me,. now it’s my turn..
- Bob the builder fixing my attitude..
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Telegram Bio For Boy In Hindi
✳️》¢ütty ßōy?
✳️》ßlōw ç@ndle ōn m@y18?
✳️》|/|usi© lōv£®?
✳️》My mõm’$ ¢ut£ $õn?
✳️》$till $ingl£?
✳️》Crazy boy in Telegram?
🔆Single Boy
🔆Riscky Rider
🔆Love myself
🌐》•My Lovely Day 11 July⭕️
🌐》••Racing Lover⭕️
🌐》••••Music Lover⭕️
🌐》••••••AttiTude ProbleM⭕️
⏺ ••• Corporate life♐
⏺ ••• MBA??BE Computers?
⏺ ••• Volleyball?
⏺ ••• Cricket?
⏺ ••• Music??
⏺••• Road Rider?
🔆 JUST@ProvE?
🔆 You@Are@My
🔆 Favorite@Pain?
🔆 Dont♐Even
🔆 Think?About?It
💠》 Worker Boy=MR.YOUR NAME= ?? Poem@Writer_?
💠》 Photographer_?
💠》 Study At @Christ College?
💠》 Love my country ( = ) ??
💠》 Number;8**9?
💠》 Engineering?
🌐》1st Jan
🌐》Gym lvr
🌐》Flirty Boy
🌐》Guitar lover
⏺Pura Battamiz Hu ❤
⏺Fully Confident ❤
⏺Lot Of ?Menoy ? ❤
⏺I Am Very Lazy ❤
⏺No Work No Study ❤
✳️ ••• YOUR MANE✔
✳️ ••• Fight for?Fitness??
✳️ ••• Gym Life??
✳️ ••• Duke200?
✳️ ••• Single✔&♐Pro Student?
🔆25 December My Day
🔆Mamma Pappa
🔆From Mumbai ☑️
🔆Fitness Lover
🔆Thug Life
🔆DSLR Lover
🔆Crazy Minded
☣•LoGin In WoRld_30/Dec
☣•Ôwņ ŘúĽÊś ☠
☣•Muѕíc Addíctєd…
💠 AttiTude No Attitude
💠This My official @id
💠 Speed Biker Boy
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💠 From(Your Stat)
💠 Single_Banda❤
💠 CutEBoY
💠 FaShIon@styler
Motivational Bio For Telegram | Best Inspirational Bio For Telegram
telegram Bio For Boy and Girl In Hindi: In this modern time of Social Trend, after Facebook and Instagram, Telegram is also being used a lot in the present times, so in today’s post we will share some Telegram Bio In Hindi of 2024. Going to share with you, this Bio For Telegram For Boys and Girls is written for both Hindi and English!
- I’m ashamed to be on the same line all my life.
- The hardest thing I ever tried was being normal
- Don’t invest in feelings, love is a lost asset
- I am made of flaws but stitched up to perfection
- A smarty pants who knows too much for her own good
- Almost when you think you can do it, someone finally works
- I have a new theory that human childhood does not end in the mid-thirties
- Sleep is like a time machine to breakfast
- Silence is the loudest voice
- By grace through faith. Beautiful.
- I dress up to stare at my reflection when I walk past store windows
- Some girls don’t need make up because they are born to be original
- Are you a broker on the grounds that you want to give me credit?
- A little bit of sun, sand and sea
- Living the life I imagined
- You can’t spell awesome without ME
- Loving is not an option. To be in love
- Lift up your head princess or your crown will fall
- I just had a passionate reaction to the universe
- Treat each day as the last. One day you will be fine
- I’m very busy right now, can I let you know one more time?
- I know looks are not everything, but I have them just in case
- I have enough shoes, said no one ever
- Life isn’t perfect but your outfit can be
- If you can’t get someone out. They may be there
- I am another gem that is still important
- Be like a diamond, precious & rare, not like a stone found everywhere
- I don’t have time to hate people who hate me because I’m too busy loving love me
- Bob the builder fixing my attitude.
- A King only bows down to his Queen
- I’m not a complete fool. Some parts are missing
Short Telegram Bios | Short Bio For Telegram
- I’m going to update my status….but better you focus on your own.
- It’s been a great day, & I’ve never seen one before
- If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.
- Don’t be afraid of the whole package
- I speak fluent sarcasm!
- Staying positive is the way to happiness
- Of course, I talk to myself! However, sometimes I need expert advice!
- Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
- Available when to get WiFi Network !!
- Smile today, cry tomorrow. Read this every day!
- I am very open-minded, my mind is going to fall one day
- Want to see the light in the world
- Hustle + Heart will set you apart
- Life is better when you are laughing
- Yes , I m single , & You’ve to be damn beautiful to change it.;)
- The future will come and we will know when it will come!
- I have to be funny because being hot is not an option.
- Born to express, not to impress.
- I’m not online, it’s just eye-catching
- Add things that are important to me
- Remember, the world is yours, conditions of use
- Everyone is beautiful in their own way because God makes no mistakes.
- Sometimes you never realize the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
- Why look at the stars if I am the biggest star
- Reality is ultimately better than your dreams
Creative Bio For Telegram | Creative Telegram Bio In English
- Well behaved women seldom make history..
- Kind people are my kinda people..
- Act like a lady, think like a boss..
- There’s no wifi in the forest but you’ll find a better connection..
- I love places that make you realize how small you really are.??
- Life should have more mountains and less stress..
- I cannot see heaven being much better than this..
- Never put the keys to your happiness in someone else’s pockets..
- Always fabulous..
- Perfectly imperfect.
- Embrace the glorious mess that you are..
- Keep smiling because life is a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about..
- Behind every successful selfie there are 1000s that didn’t make the cut.
- Bad choices make good stories.
- Food before dudes.
- Eat,?? tan, sleep, repeat.
- This is my pretty hungry face.
- You can’t live a full life on an empty stomach.
- I’m on a seafood diet. I see food,?? and I eat it..
- Stressed, depressed but well be a creative person.
- Food before dudes.
- My good man is a good man.
- Life is short, every turn of the hair counts.
- Love the people who see you without seeing others.
- You have to embrace the wonderful dirt.
- People forget years and remember moments..
- When your life is in black and white, make sure you dream in color.
- Life’s short, make every hair flip count..
- Be Classy,?? Sassy and a bit smart Assy..
- She acts like the summer and walks like the rain..
- She turned her can’ts into cans and her dreams into plans. Although to be fair, it could also apply to men.
- Nothing is really lost until your mom can’t find it.
- I’ll be right back, I am just exploring the world..
- If it doesn’t challenge you,it doesn’t change you..
- Be the reason someone smiles today.
- We have nothing to lose and a world to see..
- Don’t call it a dream,?? call it a plan..
- Love the people who saw you when you were invisible to everyone else..
- Never get so busy making a living that you forget to live your life.
- These are the days we live for..
- Stressed,?? depressed but well dressed..
- I could never agree with this Instagram caption but a lot of my friends seem to concur:It’s better to arrive late than to arrive ugly..
- She dances to the songs in her head.?? She speaks with the rhythm of her heart. And loves from the depths of her soul..
- You were my cup of tea but I drink wine now..
- Life isn’t perfect, but your outfit can be..
- I think I’m allergic to mornings.
- The first five days after the weekend are always the toughest..
Aesthetic Telegram Bio For Boys And Girls | Aesthetic Bio For Telegram
- There is a button called Follow, tap on it. BIOS can’t tell my story.
- It’s easy to follow me, it’s impossible to follow me.
- It’s not about the destination. It’s about travel. Enjoy your ride.
- Make peace and keep on..
- Ice cream is cheaper than therapy..
- Don’t be racist, hate everyone.?.
- Just look at me. God is too creative..
- Passing my time writing a bio..
- I’m not special,?? I’m limited edition..
- When nothing seems right….go left!! LOL..
- Have loads of hair and like revolting things.
- I just had to come talk with you. Sweetness is my weakness..
- I’m too busy right now, can I ignore you some other time.
- There are no winners in life…only survivors..
- I used to be an atheist, But then I realised I’m God..
- I never make the same mistake twice.?? Three,?? four times maybe.?? But never twice..
- When someone says, You’ve Changed, It simply means you’ve stopped living your life their way..
- I have to be funny because being hot is not in my dictionary..
- Worst two minutes of my life when I tried to be normal..
- I am half-sane and sleep deprived..
- I changed my password to ‘incorrect.’ Now, my password is incorrect..
- You need to press that follow button to know my story..
- Following me is a dream for many. Try yourself.
- You can’t process me with a normal brain b’coz I am too mad..
- My blood is made of coffee..
- Perfect has 7 letters and so does meeeeeee. Coincidence? I think not..
- Let Fools Chase The World. I only want you s:..
- If Plan A didn’t work.?? Don’t worry; the alphabet has 25 more letters.
- Just a cupcake looking for a stud muffin..
- If you ever think I am ignoring you,?? I swear I am. My phone is in my hand 24×7..
- Great Samaritan, cleaned up competitor, particularly skilled napper..
- I am born at a very young age..
- I am living a caffeine dependent life form..
- Why are you reading my bio.
- When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry,?? then show life that you have thousand reasons to smile..
- It’s not about the destination. It’s about the journey. Enjoy your ride..
- I am on a journey of life. Wanna come? Ahhgg! Press that follow button then..
- Following me is easy, unfollowing me is impossible..
- Turn that blue follow button to white..
- You see,?? everyone has a story but mine is a mystery..
- Follow me and get some really chubby pics..
Best Bio For Telegram | Top Bio For Telegram
- The three most important words are Yes, I can..
- Be the type of person that you want to meet..
- I didn’t fail the test,?? I just found 100 ways to do it wrong..
- Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans..
- It is never too late to be what you might have been..
- They used to shout my name,?? now they whisper it..
- Do what scares you..
- Go wild for a while..
- Take only memories,?? leave only footprints.
- Ask yourself what you are doing today that is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow..
- Procrastination is my best friend…
- I’d rather be at Hogwarts..
- Weekends,?? are you still there..
- Don’t take life too seriously.?? Nobody gets out alive..
- If I don’t post a picture,?? did it even really happen..
- It always seems impossible until it’s done..
- Everything has its beauty,?? but not everyone sees it..
- All we have is NOW..
- Escape the ordinary..
- Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance,?? you must keep moving..
- You never fail until you stop trying…
- If you can dream it,?? you can do it
- Wasted time is worse than wasted money..
- I travel because you can always get more money, but you can never get more time..
- Life is not a problem to be solved,?? but a reality to be experienced.
- The most important thing is to enjoy your life – to be happy – it’s all that matters.
- (…) Accomplishments rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things..
- This is a wonderful day,?? and I have never seen this one before..
- Every day brings an opportunity to do something legendary..
- You may see me struggle,?? but you’ll never see me quit..
- I turned my Cant’s into Cans & my Dreams into Plans…
- When life gets blurry adjust your focus..
- Making mistakes is better than faking perfections..
- A mistake which makes you humble is much better than an achievement that makes you arrogant..Telegram Bio
Attitude Telegram Bio | Telegram Bios Attitude
In this post, you have been given for Attitude Bio For Telegram For Boy, as well as in this you have been given many types of new telegram bio for Attitude Bio For Telegram For Girl.
In today’s time, almost everyone uses telegram app and everyone wants to make their profile very beautiful and good, then you can use attitude telegram bio for your profile. Whether it is Boy or Girl, both like attitude bio for telegram. Telegram Bio, Bio For Telegram,, Telegram Bio For Boys, Telegram Bio For Girls
So in this post I have given the list of all latest attitude telegram bio. In this website you have been given almost all teleram attitude bio in hindi. So let’s know about it.
- Love is a medicine that can neutralize even a poisoned heart..
- I would love to change the world,?? but they won’t give me the source code..
- I am another precious stone whose importance is yet not discovered..
- Remember it’s just a bad day,?? not a bad life..
- Falling in love is not a choice.?? Staying in love is..
- Work for 5 days to live 2 days..
- Can’t walk… vehicles only…Telegram Bio For Boys
- I’m too busy right now,?? can I ignore you some other time..
- Just about the time when you think you can make ends meet,?? somebody moves the ends..
- By and large,?? the easy way out advances.?? Likewise, I am great at parallel stopping..
- I’m just having an allergic reaction to the universe..
- If you can’t get someone out of your head. Maybe, they are supposed to be there..
- Silence is the most powerful scream..
- Be yourself; everyone else is already taken..
- The fool didn’t know it was impossible, so HE DID IT..
- Gifted napper,?? talker,?? and ice cream eater..
- On the off chance that I could whole up my life in one line I would pass on of humiliation…
- Are you a broker in light of the fact that I’d like you to leave me a credit..
- I have this new hypothesis that human youthfulness doesn’t end until your mid thirties..
Swag Bios For Telegram | Swag Telegram Bios
- It is not the mountain we conquer,?? but ourselves..
- I am cool but global warming made me hot..
- Netflix, youtube, food, my bed,?? Perfection..
- I ‘m busy on Instagram but you do something useful..
- Thermometer is not the only thing in the world having degrees without brains. Hurray, at last I got my degree.?? Graduated..
- Best $$ of me is yet to come..
- I rate myself 10/10 b’coz I am too basic..
- Reality is finally better than your dreams..
- Trying to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud..
- Making History..
- I’m on energy saving mode..
- Success is in my blood.??
- Problem solver. Social media fanatic. Passionate travel guru..
- Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. Imagination is more important than knowledge..
- Nothing lasts forever.?? So live it up, drink it down, avoid the drama, take chances and never have regrets because at one point everything you did was exactly what you wanted..
- Error 400: Bio unavailable..
- One person’s #LOL is another’s #WTF..
- I am known at the gym by my before picture..
- If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter #LoL..
- Love may be blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener @-@..
- If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced..
- If I delete your number, you’re basically deleted from my life..
- One tequila,?? two tequila,?? floor..
- Why look up at the stars when the biggest star is me..
- Scratch here ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ to reveal my bio..
- Life is dumb and I want to sleep..
- Telegram Bio, Bio For Telegram, Telegram Bio For Boys, Telegram Bio For Girls
- Spreading smiles.??
- Life F$@ks me,?? now it’s my turn..
- Bob the builder fixing my attitude..
- Don’t follow me b’coz I don’t know where I am going..
- Be yourself.?? People don’t have to like you,?? and you don’t have to care..
- Always remember you are braver than you believe,?? stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think..
- when your plans get cancelled but your makeup is on point..
Royal Bio for Telegram Boys | Bset Telegram Bio For Boys
🔆•••I See You आँखे से
🔆•••I Feel You साँसो से
🔆•••I Miss You चाहत से
🔆•••I Care You जान से
🔆•••I Miss You दिल से
🔆》Kalyug Ka Ravan
🔆》Im Bad Boy
🔆》KTM Lover
🔆》Black Lover
🔆》GreAt Swimmer..
☀जमीन कि किंमत और☀
☀Friends” की☀
☀हिंमत कभी कम नही हो सकती☀
☀दिल तो, Ashiq ♥ तोडतें हैं हम तो☀
☀Friends हैं record todte hai.☀
💠》Desi Kalakar
💠》Ziddi Boy
💠》Gym Lover
💠》Attitude Depend On
✳️》ठाकुर साहब ♠
✳️》क्षत्रिय गरम खून
✳️》अपने राम का भक्त
✳️》माँ बाप का बिगड़ैल राजकुमार
✳️》पिस्तौल / तलवार का आशिक़
✳️》लड़कियों से 100 कदम दूर
⛦》I ‘am Cool Bios
⛦》Std–2- outo mec ,tsr
⛦》Wish me on July 31
⛦》Royal Boy
》Flirty munda
》Style me no limit
🌐••》हम आज भी शतरंज़ का खेल
🌐••》अकेले ही खेलते हैं
🌐••》क्यूंकि दोस्तों के खिलाफ चाल
🌐••》चलना हमे आता नही!!”
🌐•》мʏ ℓιғɛ ?мʏ яʋℓɛ
🌐•》σиℓʏ ɛиʝσʏ
🌐•》ℓ4 мαяcн? cακɛ ?мʋя∂ɛя
☀• GRATE PersonaLIY
☀• MuSiC LoVrR
☀• FooTBall LoVeR⚽
☀• LONG drive LoVER
☀• Blow candles on 13 MARCH
?•Love Photography✔
?•I’m Not Better Than Anybody
💠•》Cake Murder On 15 March
💠•》Royal ?
💠•》 Bikê Løvér.
💠•》Music Addicted.
🌐 ठाकुर साहब ♠
🌐 क्षत्रिय गरम खून
🌐 अपने राम का भक्त
🌐 माँ बाप का बिगड़ैल राजकुमार
🌐 पिस्तौल / तलवार का आशिक़
🌐 लड़कियों से 100 कदम दूर
Telegram Attitude Bio For Girls
- I’m A Daydreamer And A Night Thinker.
- Wakeup And Makeup.
- Be Your Own Kind Of Stunning.
- I’m Trending Right Now.
- I Wear My Smile Like A Sword.
- Private Life, Happy Life.
- Who Cares, I’m Awesome.
- Love Is Easy But Queen Is Busy.
- Life Is Simple If We Are Simple.
- Telegram Bio, Bio For Telegram, Telegram Bio For Boys, Telegram Bio For Girls
- Pretty And Profitable.
- I’m Not Lazy, I’m Just Chill.
- Born To Express Not To Impress.
- No Trust Anyone.
- I Am On Top Of The World.
Telegram Bio For Girls 2024
》 Crazy girl.
》 Enjoy life..
》 Ηαρργ ψαια β δαγ $ερ 19
》 Love music.
》 Love nature..
》 Follow + follow
》 Unfollow = tel piva jav
🌐》sansakri chokri
🌐》admin of gujju_girl_world
🌐》B-Day 27 November❤
🌐》love dancing love singing
✳️》Doctor + Engineer + Artist
✳️》Love ❤️ Mom Dad?
✳️》Gym & Fitness Lover?
✳️》Mr. Addiction ?
✳️》Sports Bike Lover??
█████▒ ★☆$mâRT★☆????
██████▒ ★☆d®âmâ ợมєєก★☆????
☀》Queen of world ?
☀》Sassy 17 ?
☀》Kick me on 09.03.2000 ?
☀》Frndly gurl ?
☀》Single and Young ?
•❌• 8teen
•❌• 30 November mah day
•❌• Music lover
•❌• Papa ki princess
💠》Daddy’s princess ?
💠》Love my life!
💠》Just lovemyself
💠》Medical Student
💠》Blow candles on 5th January
💠》It’s enough ?
🔆》Happy soul
🔆》Dazzling star
🔆》Cheers Life
🔆》Fashion Model
🌐》Mrs. Rai
🌐》camera lover
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Telegram Bio For Students
नमस्कार दोस्तों, आज की पोस्ट में आपको Telegram Bio For Students बॉयज एंड गर्ल्स मिलेगी। दोस्तों, आपको स्कूल बॉयज़ के लिए Telegram Bio इमोजी के साथ मिलेगा, आप यहां से अपना पसंदीदा बायो कॉपी करके अपने Telegram प्रोफाइल में पेस्ट कर सकते हैं।
👰Queen Of Own World 🌃
❣️Wish Me On 22 April 🎉
🍫Chocolates Lover 🍫
😉 School Girl😉
💃Dance Løvèr 💕
😏 Don’t Call Me Cute 🙅
😋Crazy Girl😍
👉Keep Your Attitude In Your Pocket👛
😎Cute Kamina😎
📚School Boy 📚
🎂Royal Entry 11 Nov🎂
😎Fashionable 👑Attitude🔥
📷Photo Editing King📷
🎶Music Lover🎶
🏏Cricket Lover🥎
1⃣👔School Boy
2⃣💞Mom + Dad Lover💞
4⃣Attitude Boy Also😎
5⃣😇Happy Soul😇
6⃣😉 Single 😉
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🤎Welcome To My Profile💘
🤠Simple Girl😇
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♥️I Love FAMILY😍
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😎Royal Entry On 9th May🍰
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⚫Only 👉 Enjoy 🥰
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👑Single Becouse
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🔥 School Boy 🖤
👑King Of Instagram 👑
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😇Respect For Girls 🙏
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🎼 Music Is In My Heart💟
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Short Bio For Telegram
- Gym Lover.
- Unstoppable.
- Lifestyle Lover.
- I Hate Love.
- Genius By Birth.
- 100% Desi.
- Telegram Bio, Bio For Telegram, Telegram Bio For Boys, Telegram Bio For Girls
- Soft Hearted.
- 100% Sanskari.
- A Legendary Bio.
- Creative Mind.
- Hungry For Success.
- Never Give Up.
- Prince Charming.
- Proud To Be Indian.
- I Love Fitness.
Gorgeous Telegram Bios In English | Gorgeous Bios For Telegram
- I’m going to update my status….but better you focus on your own..
- Looking for rest,?? rational soundness,?? & The Shire..
- Fabulous ends in us. Coincidence? I think not..
- Born to express,?? not to impress…
- Telegram Bio, Bio For Telegram, Telegram Bio For Boys, Telegram Bio For Girls
- I am nobody.?? Nobody is perfect. Therefore, I am perfect!..
- I’m a Texan with bunches of sentiments and beautiful hair..
- Outdoors is purposes..
- When I write Etc. it means End of Thinking Capacity..
- Hey there!?? Be there..
- Read books instead of reading my status!..
- Dear Math, please grow up and solve your own problems, I’m tired of solving them for you..
- There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment..
- My brain is divided into two parts: Right & Left.ln right nothing is left.ln left nothing is right..
- If people are talking behind your back, be happy that you are the one in front..
- Roses are red Sky is blue .Vodka is cheaper than dinner for two ..
- The idea for dieting: Refrigerators with mirrors!..
- I still don’t understand Twitter, but here I am..
- Not to get technical,?? but according to chemistry, alcohol is a solution..
- Can’t talk,?? missed calls only..
- Loving you is like breathing How can I stop..
- Marvelous closures in us occurrence? I think not..
- Knowledge is like underwear. It is useful to have it, but not necessary to show it off..
- My hobbies are breakfast, lunch, and dinner..
- Totally available!? Please disturb me!??..
- Before you, I never believed in forever.?? Now,?? I know that is not long enough to spend with you..Telegram Bio, Bio For Telegram, Telegram Bio For Boys, Telegram Bio For Girls
- Without you in my life,?? I would be incomplete. I pray that I should never know such pain..
- I am returning to face the truth that an ordinary day is not lager on the shoreline or calamari in the stomach..
- Life F#ck$d me , Now It’s My Turn!.
- Never let your friends feel lonely. Disturb them all the time..
- When you fall for someone’s personality,?? almost everything about them becomes handsome and beautiful..
- The person you love is 72.??8% water..
- Yes ,?? I m single ,?? & You’ve to be damn beautiful to change it..
- God favor this chaotic situation..
- 3 things I want in a relationship: Eyes that wont cry, lips than wont lie, and love that wont die..
- While heaven must surely mourn the loss of one of its own,?? we mere mortals celebrate your grace..
- Don’t drink and park – accidents cause people..
- I smile …Because I don’t know WHAT THE HELL is going on..
- I’m looking for a bank loan which can perform things: give me a Loan and then leave me Alone..
- Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life ..
- I am no one to harm you.?? I’ll let karma fuck you..
- The pillow is my best hair stylist – Waiting for better tomorrow!..
- I had a horribly busy day converting oxygen into carbon dioxide..
- Of course,?? I’m not perfect; there’s a crack in my ass..
- I am walking on the never ending path of success..
- Don’t blindly follow the masses.?? Sometimes the m is Silent..
- Light,?? waggish,?? adequate,?? inexhaustible, demagogic, friendly showcasing friend,.. independent thousandths..
- Welcome to my Instagram feed,?? where people come to enjoy me..
- I can see you checking my Instagram status..
- Life’s not about money,?? it’s about love & I love MONEY..
- OF COURSE!?? Talk to myself,?? sometime I need expert advice..
- If Girls are Oscar,?? then I am Leonardo DiCaprio..
- I put the hot in insane..
- I generally feel tragic for seedless watermelons, in light of the fact that imagine a scenario in which they needed infants..
- I say this; I say that what the hell you want to listen from me..
- Don’t be sad because of people,?? they will all die..
- I love the ones who are in my life and make it amazing. I also love the ones who left my life and made it fantastic..
- I’ve been waiting hours and I’ll be waiting for hours more, till my love arrives and my heart’s fulfilled..
- Can anything be more valuable than our love? Since you are with me, my only measurement is in heartbeats..
- The question isn’t who is going to let me; It’s who is going to stop me..
- Presently meeting expectations towards a MBA with an accentuation in dream football..
- I don’t insult people,?? I just describe them..
- I may be wrong… but I Doubt it..
- Think beyond practical boundaries (modest text style)..
- Real men stay dedicated to only one girl..
- Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love…
- Weird is a side effect of awesome…
- When I miss you I re-read our old conversations and smile like an idiot…
- I Was Born Cool but Global Warming Made Me Hot…
- If you want to be rude then you should become a celebrity..Telegram Bio, Bio For Telegram, Telegram Bio For Boys, Telegram Bio For Girls
- I’m not certain what number of issues I have in light of the fact that math is one of them..
- I am a performing artist and an essayist and I co-made my breakfast and my child,?? Malachai..
- I shouldn’t be permitted to go on Snapchat,?? Facebook or Instagram when I’m tipsy..
- My last seen at was just to check your last seen at..
- Of all the things I have lost ,?? I miss my mind the most…
Telegram Bio For Girls | Best Telegram Bio For Girls
- My hobbies are breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
- Create your own magic.
- I love the confidence that makeup gives me.
- I love the confidence that makeup gives me.
- I’m not short, I’m concentrated awesome!
- Cinderella never asked for a prince.
- Money can’t buy happiness. But it can buy Makeup!
- All I need is Coffee and Mascara.
- My hobbies are breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
- Create your own magic. Telegram Bio, Bio For Telegram, Telegram Bio For Boys, Telegram Bio For Girls
- A girl should be like a butterfly. …
- Sometimes you gotta be a beauty and a beast!
- Money can’t buy happiness. …
- All I need is Coffee and Mascara.
- Smile, it’s free therapy.
Funny Telegram Bios For Boys And Girls | Funny Bio Telegram
- Space available for advertisement..
- You’re still a little kitten that looks at my eyes, wanting love in this cold world..
- My father once told me that people listen to you if you tell them that your father told you that..
- CGPA available for adoption… can’t raise it myself..
- I trust one day I cherish something the route ladies in plugs love yogurt..
- People of my age are busy with Relation, break up, heart break, patch..
- Contributing to entropy since 1994..
- REHAB is for quitters ..
- Uncovered.?? Regularly Unreliable.?? Effectively distract..
- Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas ..
- When life gets tough,?? always remember that you were the strongest sperm…
- I used to be an atheist,?? But then I realised I’m God..
- Try not to think for a brief moment that I really mind what you need to say..
- Battery about to die,?? I am about to live..
- Simple during childbirth,?? computerized by outline..
- I was dependent on hokey pokey yet I turned myself around..
- Travelling the world lets me discover myself..
- I speak my mind and I never mind what I speak..
- At the end of the day,?? life should ask us,?? Do you want to save the changes..
- Scratch Here to see my status..
- Sometimes you never realize the value of a moment until it becomes a memory…
- I have not lost my brain – its moved down on HD some place…
- I Wonder What Happen’s When Doctor’s Wife Eats An Apple A Day..
- Everyone is beautiful in their own way because God makes no mistakes..
- Warning…l know KARATE And few other oriental words..
- Oh,?? So your manna argue,?? Bring it.?? I got my CAPS LOCK ON..
- If people are trying to bring you down it only means that you are above them..
- This is mostly a Waluigi fan page—please adjust your expectations accordingly..
- Fewer people you chill with,?? less bullshit you deal with..
- I was COOL but Global Warming made me HOT..
- I’ll be yours forever,?? just tell me when to start..
- I can quote (Insert motion picture) superior to anything you and every one of your companions..
- Sarcasm falls out of my mouth,?? just like stupid falls from yours…
- I’m cool,?? but global warming made me HOT..
- Only dead fish follow the stream..
- I am not virgin,?? My life f**ks me every day..
Impressive Telegram Bios | Amazing Bios For Telegram
- I’m pretty sure my prayers go directly to God’s spam folder..
- ups and I am still figuring out a way to wake up before 10 am..
- I took a gander at my Instagram photographs and acknowledged I look delightful..
- Love is a medicine that can neutralize even a poisoned heart..
- Falling in love is not a choice. Staying in love is..
- I smile …Because I don’t know WHAT THE HELL is going on..
- I don’t insult people, I just describe them..
- Time flies… after you hit the snooze button..
- It’s not about the destination. It’s about the journey. Enjoy your ride..
- Ice cream is cheaper than therapy…
- If Girls are Oscar, then I am Leonardo DiCaprio..
- Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life..
- Perfect has 7 letters and so does meeeeee. Coincidence? I think not..
- Available when to get WiFi Network..
- Your best teacher is your last mistake..
- If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced..
- Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s..
- Never let your friends feel lonely. Disturb them all the time..
- I’m on energy saving mode..
- I’ve fallen in love many times always with you..
- Let Fools Chase The World. I only want you s..
- Have loads of hair and like revolting things..
- Being Alive is being Offline..
- Decided to burn lots of calories today so I set a fat kid on fire:-D..
- The pillow is my best hair stylist – Waiting for better tomorrow!..
- Alcohol may be man’s worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy..
- I have this new hypothesis that human youthfulness doesn’t end until your mid thirties..
- I’ll hit you so hard even GOOGLE won’t able to find you..
- You’re beautiful until your Photoshop 30 day trial has gone..
- Fabulous ends in us. Coincidence? I think not..
- I just rap occasionally..
- I may be wrong… but I Doubt it!!!..
- By grace through faith. Beautiful…
- When I write Etc., it means End of Thinking Capacity..
- Why look up at the stars when the biggest star is me..
- Read books instead of reading my status!..
- Thermometer is not the only thing in the world having degrees without brains. Hurray, at last I got my degree. Graduated…
Crazy Bios For Telegram | Superb Telegram Bios
- Hey there!?? I am using Hamam soap..
- Too busy to update a status..
- I’m a power to be figured with,?? I figure..
- If at first you don’t succeed; call it version 1.??0..
- Weird is a side effect of awesome…
- I’m pretty sure my prayers go directly to God’s spam folder..
- Without ME,?? it’s just AWESO..
- The pillow is my best hair stylist – Waiting for better tomorrow..
- The most painful goodbyes are those which were never said and never explained..
- My silence/smile is just another word for my pain..
- I had a horribly busy day converting oxygen into carbon dioxide..
- I’m only pretending to be me..
- Smile today,?? tomorrow could be worse..
- I’m a Texan with bunches of sentiments and beautiful hair..
- Outdoors is purposes..
- When I write Etc.??,?? it means End of Thinking Capacity..
- Hey there!?? Be there..
- Read books instead of reading my status..
- Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life..
- I don’t care about your opinion..
- Goodness is another bitch that will let you fall into this evil world..
- Love makes one’s heart weak and weakness can never be my trait..
- God made this world so beautiful and one of his beautiful creating is the one you are talking right now on Instagram..
- Why be sad and waste this life when you can totally rock the floor of craziness..
- What’s the guarantee that whatever I’m gonna post on this bio is truth..
- Cry a river.?? Build a bridge.?? Walk over it..
- I am no one to harm you.?? I’ll let karma fuck you..
- The pillow is my best hair stylist – Waiting for better tomorrow..
- I had a horribly busy day converting oxygen into carbon dioxide..
- Of course,?? I’m not perfect; there’s a crack in my ass..
- I am walking on the never ending path of success..
- Dear Math,?? please grow up and solve your own problems,?? I’m tired of solving them for you..
- My hobbies are breakfast,?? lunch,?? and dinner..
- Totally available!??!?? Please disturb me!??…
- Attempting to raise the casual conversation to medium talk..
- Where the damnation am I,?? and how could I have been able to I arrive..
- White lips,?? pale face,?? I detest the whole human race…
- Why take a gander at the stars when the greatest star is me..
- Before you,?? I never believed in forever.?? Now,?? I know that is not long enough to spend with you..
- Without you in my life,?? I would be incomplete.?? I pray that I should never know such pain..
- I am returning to face the truth that an ordinary day is not lager on the shoreline or calamari in the stomach..
- Don’t blindly follow the masses.?? Sometimes the m is Silent..
- Light,?? waggish,?? adequate,?? inexhaustible,?? demagogic,?? friendly showcasing friend,.. independent thousandths..
- There is never a time or place for true love.?? It happens accidentally,?? in a heartbeat,?? in a single flashing,?? throbbing moment…
- My brain is divided into two parts: Right & Left.??ln right nothing is left.??ln left nothing is right..
- Life is too short.?? Don’t waste it copying my status..
- Whenever I have a problem,?? I sing.?? Then I realize my voice is worse than my problem..
- If life is not smiling at you,?? give it a good tickling..
- Let’s thank God for we are lived yesterday and are living today..
- When it rains,?? look for rainbow and whenever there’s darkness around,?? look for stars..
- You are your own gold mine..
- Stress does not go with my outfit!..
- This is the Best Bio for Instagram..
- Nobody really likes us except for us..
- There’s no such thing as dimness,?? only an unlucky deficiency of light…
- To endlessness and past..
- God is really creative,?? i mean.??just look at me….
- No matter what has happened.?? No matter what you’ve done.?? No matter what you will do.?? I will always love you.?? I swear it..
Perfect Telegram Bios | Good Bio for Telegram Awesome
- Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire, Jeniffer Lee..
- I am a brave, strong, & crazy person at the same time..
- I’m a girl..Don’t touch my hair, face, phone, or boyfriend..
- I dress up to stare at my reflection when I walk past store windows..
- The hardest thing I ever tried was being normal..
- Keep your heels, head & standards high
- An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but if the doctor is cute forget the fruit..
- Silence is the most powerful scream..
- Be yourself; everyone else is already taken..
- Sometimes you don’t realize the value of a moment until it becomes a memory..
- Every time I see you I fall in love all over again..
- It will hurt the heart, they are broken. They adjust the rotation and repeat..
- Do not follow the people with your eyes closed. Sometimes just keep quiet..
- am on an endless path to success..
- Your vibe attracts your tribe..
- If I was funny, I would have a good Instagram bio quote…
- I don’t have heaven & I’m afraid of hell, I’m going to change..
- The future will come and we will know when it will come..
- The people will judge about your dress, your crying, your smile, your breathing, your walk, your conversation, your lifestyle, and so on. Sometimes you just have to ignore it..
- Cucumber is 95% water and 100% not pizza..
- I did not wake up today to be mediocre..
- Slow is a bad word, I like select participation..
- Optimism is contagious..
- Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what you make of it..
- I’m looking for a bank loan that can do just that: give me a Loan & then leave me alone..
- A lion doesn’t concern himself with the opinion of a sheep..
- Reality is ultimately better than your dreams..
- You can’t do magic without me..
- Today’s atmosphere is brought to you by coffee and lipstick..
- You totally can..
- All your dreams are on the other side of fear..
- I am a sweetheart with a mission & a sweetheart with a desire..
- A smarty pants who knows too much for her own good..
- Be the flamingo in a flock of pigeons..
- I am sugar and spice and everything nice..
- Confident is the new Sexy..
- Chase my storm..
- Addicted to Vitamin-Sea..
- A little bit of sun, sand and sea..
- I am a cutie with a mission and a hottie with ambition..
- Bubbly like Champagne..
- Wear your confidence like a crown..
- Sleep is like a time machine to breakfast..
- If life is not smiling at you, give it a good tickling..
- Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies..
- If life gives you lemons, make a margarita..
- Don’t expect change while thinking the same..
- I held on to life but broke down..
- Don’t let the colors fade to grey..
- Remember, the world is yours, conditions of use..
- The most complicated skill is to be simple, Dejan Stojanovic…
- The best things in life are free..
- It’s not a habit, it’s a way of working..
- Daydreamer, night thinker..
- The difficulty I tried was normal..
- An optimist sees opportunity in every difficult situation..
- Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life..
- One day I will have an updated version…
- There are no rainbows without rain, no stars without darkness..
- A King only bows down to his Queen..
- I have enough shoes, said no one ever..
- I never met a French fry I didn’t like..
- You don’t need a King and a castle to be a Princess..
- Always living in the weekend..
- I’m everything you want but can’t have..
- Let’s get lost together..
- Rip Drama & Fake People..
- Of course, I talk to myself! However, sometimes I need expert advice..
- Let’s get lost together..
- Staying positive is the way to happiness..
- Life is like a box of chocolates..
- Stay strong when times are hard..
- I prefer my puns intended..
- Chasing waterfalls and wanderlust..
- Spreading love & happiness will not be a difficult task..
- Of course, I talk to myself! However, sometimes I need expert advice..
- Hates a lot of people, loves a lot of people, doesn’t hate anyone, doesn’t face anything..
- I am a brave, strong, & crazy person at the same time..
- Stupidity is not a crime, so you’re free to go..
- The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources..
- I am so open-minded, my brains will fall out some day..
- I’m here to evade companions on Facebook..
- I hold the key to world peace, but somebody changed the lock..
- Heaven won’t have me and hell is afraid, I’ll take over..
- I used to have a handle on life, but it broke..
- I’m not a complete idiot, some parts are missing..
- I wanna be different just like everyone else..
- Never Forget, The world is Yours. Terms and Conditions Apply..
- I smile because I have no idea what is going on..
- My mother told me not to talk to strangers. I never talk to myself anymore..
- I can resist everything except temptation..
- It is not an attitude, it is the way I am..
- If an opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door..
- Do not follow the people with your eyes closed. Sometimes just keep quiet..
- I am very open-minded, my mind is going to fall one day..
- I’m honest and I’m sure some of my subscribers will do the same..
- I am on an endless path to success..
- Traveling the world allows me to express myself..
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